루틴 솔루션

In 1986, McDonald's, the signature fast food restaurant, entered Rome, Italy. To resist this, a slow-food movement was launched, with Petrini and activist groups at the center, to pursue local traditions, good food, gastronomy and slow pace of life.

It has now spread to global campaigns involving thousands of projects and millions of people in more than 160 countries.


Slowfood : 'Good, Clean and Fair'


The taste and aroma of food that can be felt by a well-trained sense is the fruit obtained by raw materials, methods of production, and the capacity of the producer and its naturalness must not be changed.


In food manufacturing and raw material cultivation, the environment should be respected and carefully considered for sustainable behavior in agriculture, animal husbandry, processing, marketing and consumption.

It should also protect the ecosystem and biodiversity and the health of consumers and producers throughout the entire phase of agriculture, including the production process and consumption.


The definition of society should be pursued through the creation of labor conditions that can protect human and human rights and create proper compensation.

This is done through balanced global economy, practice of empathy and solidarity, cultural diversity and traditional respect.





Water Footprint

A water footprint is a footprint that indicates how much water has been consumed throughout the entire process from raw material collection of a product or service to production, transport, distribution, use, and disposal.


ⓐ meat diet & vegetarian diet

On a pound basis, about 6,800 liters of beef are consumed, 2,200 liters of pork are consumed and 1,800 liters of water is consumed for chicken.

On average, a vegetarian's water footprint is about half that of a meat eater.

The consumption of livestock raised through grazing uses less water than that of livestock raised through methods such as fish farms.

ⓑ processed food

Processed foods such as frozen foods, chips, candy, and soda need more water than natural foods.

This is because water use occurs in the process of running, cooking, packaging and delivering the machine.

ⓒ organic, local traditional food

Organic methods, which do not use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, reduce groundwater contamination as pollutants do not flow into nearby waters and soil on organic farms tends to preserve nutrients and moisture well.

Also, food consumption produced locally on organic and sustainable farming reduces water exports and helps maintain water quality.

If the company has focused on simple convenience, familiar taste and ingredients, it will be an opportunity to think about a series of processes ranging from growing, distributing, selling, and consuming food through the slow-and-vigan food craze.

After all, the slow food craze can be seen as human efforts to look back on the environment and ecosystem contaminated by reckless development and mass production systems, find a solution and lead a "sustainable life."



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